Ananda Chaitanya Meditation Program at CIET College, Coimbatore: A Transformative Experience for Faculty

Coimbatore, MAY 12:

On May 11 and 12, CIET College in Coimbatore hosted an enriching two-day Ananda Chaitanya meditation program, specifically designed for the Heads of Departments (HOD’s), professors, and lecturers of its engineering college. This event, organized by Principal Dr. Nagaraj and the college management, aimed to enhance the overall well-being of the faculty through powerful yogic practices.

The comprehensive program included sessions on Yogasanas, three sets of potent Pranayama techniques, and three meditation practices. Additionally, the program addressed various aspects of daily life, offering tools to tackle psychological and emotional challenges. These tools are designed to be easily integrated into daily routines, bringing clarity and enriching participants’ experiences.

These practices were meticulously curated to reduce mental chattering, foster inner peace, and promote deep sleep. Participants reported significant benefits, including a heightened sense of calmness and an improvement in their ability to focus both at work and in their personal lives.

One participant likened the freshness and rejuvenation experienced from the Ananda Chaitanya yoga practices to the invigorating sensation of taking a dip in the holy streams of Rameshwaram. This analogy vividly illustrates the profound impact the program had on the attendees.

Principal Dr. Nagaraj expressed his gratitude towards the Ananda Chaitanya Foundation for their efforts in promoting the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the staff. He emphasized the importance of these practices and announced that they would be integrated into the regular wellness activities for all staff members at CIET College.

Principal also appreciated various social projects of the foundation such as Karkai Nandre -educational scholarship scheme for underprivileged and skill development programs.

The program’s success highlights the positive influence of structured yogic practices and holistic life tools in an academic environment, fostering a healthier, more focused, and harmonious community.

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